Hébergement Communautaire Uvattinut
Is a non-profit community organization that provides independent living opportunities and community support services for low-income Inuit who have mental health problems and are at risk of itinerancy.
Uvattinut has eight self-contained apartments primarily
for residents of Puvirnituq but also welcomes applicants from
other villages in Nunavik, if space permits.
Criteria for application and admission
- 18 years of age or more
- Low income earner
- Individuals with chronic mental health and/or psy-
chosocial problems and have reasonable ability to function
independently with minimum supervision
- Persons who are under protective supervision by Curateur Public du Quebec
- Persons who are actively followed by the mental health team (psychiatrist, social workers, doctors, nurses, etc.)
- Persons who are willing to follow rules and regulation set by Uvattinut
- Individuals who are willing to participate in developing and implementing an Individualized Service Plan (ISP)
Leases and rent
A rental agreement will be signed with each individual or his legal representative. The
rental agreement details what is included in
the rent and what is excluded.
At this time, rent is set at $400 per month for a
one-bedroom apartment and $300 per month per
tenant for a two-bedroom apartment or for
shared occupancy. The rent was set as a function
of the cost of paying mortgages and maintaining
the building. However, the medium to long-term
goal is to find means to reduce the rent to 25% of
the income of each individual.
The Resident can opt to pay for his own food.
For those who cannot afford adequate nutrition, we plan to find ways of assuring food stability through such means as providing dried goods and seeking funding to support the small contribution that tenants make to projects such as a collective kitchen.
Rules and Obligations for Prospective Residents
General Rules
- It is the responsibility of the Resident to keep his home safe and clean.
- The Resident must keep all appliances and furniture in good condition.
- The Resident is not allowed to trade or sell any
appliance or furniture in his apartment
- The Resident must keep his apartment
and all common areas such as hallways,
laundry rooms and grounds neat and
clean out of respect for himself and
other Residents.
- The Residents are not allowed to ma-
ke any alterations, renovations or paint
their apartment.
- The Resident must not engage in any
criminal activity, including but not limi-
ted to any drug-related activity, solicita-
tion (sex-trade workers and related nuisance activity), assault or threats of assault, carrying a firearm (with the exception of hunting activities) or use of a firearm, etc. Any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety or welfare of other residents will be reported to appropriate authorities and may lead to termination of the rental contract.
- Uvattinut is a smoke-free building. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building.
- Smoking outside is allowed only in designated areas located 9 metres away from the building as stipulated by law.
Fire safety
- The Resident must always leave the building immediately if he hears a fire alarm.
- The Resident must learn and follow the fire escape plan.
- The Resident must call the caretaker immediately if the smoke alarm in his apartment goes off frequently.
- The Resident should take appropriate steps to prevent the apartment smoke alarm going off by keeping his stove, oven, and toaster clean so that they do not create smoke.
- The Resident must use the exhaust fan on the stove when cooking to reduce the possibility of false alarms.
- The resident is not allowed to light or use candle in the apartment except when authorized in cases of power failure
- The Resident must never leave food cooking on the stove unattended.
- The Resident must participate in fire drills.
- The Resident should not overload power outlets or use old, damaged or frayed power cords. A power bar with a shut-off feature must be purchased to protect electrical appliances.
- The Resident must use stove for cooking only and nothing else
Keeping the peace
- Each and every Resident is entitled to privacy and quiet enjoyment of his home.
- Each Resident must keep the peace in his apartment, in hallways and around the building
- Excessive noise and/or disturbances may lead
to action being taken against the perpetrator.
This may involve termination of the lease.
- Objectionable conduct (including, but not
limited to, lewd behaviour, language,
decorations) will not be permitted. Any behaviour
or actions which interfere or cause conflict with
roommates or neighbours is prohibited.
Visitors are permitted during posted visiting hours.
In general, guests are not allowed to stay overnight. If a Resident wishes to have an overnight guest, he must request authorization from the supervising educator at Aaniavituqarq.
Children unaccompanied by an adult are not permitted to visit. The Resident must make sure those children who are visiting with an adult stay inside his apartment. Children are not allowed to visit other apartments or to play in hallways.
No one (family members or other visitors) invited into the building or entering the property shall engage in any criminal activity, including but not limited to any drug-related activities.
Keys and locks
The front entrance is locked at all times to prevent uninvited and unwanted visitors from gaining access to the building.
The Organization has master keys to all apartments and reserves the right to have reasonable access to all areas in the buildingat any time with or without notice. This includes apartment searches and seizure of any and all items or substances considered to be dangerous or intoxicating.
The Organization reserves the right to ensure safety of the Resident in the event of an emergency. The Resident must not change locks or add security devices or limit access to the apartment without prior written approval from Board of Directors of the Organization.
A master key is kept at the Crisis Center. The Resident who is, for any reason, unable to access his apartment, may contact workers at the Crisis Center for assistance.
The Resident will be charged the cost of replacing lost keys.
Damages & Repairs
The Resident must immediately report any required repairs and/or damages to the supervisor on duty.
The Resident will be responsible for all damages not considered normal wear and tear​